2017 Affirmative Prayers to Lift You Up and Move You Forward

You hold the power of affirmative prayer in your hands. We invite you to use these prayers to uplift your spirit, clarify your mind and accept a greater good for your own life and others. Affirmative prayer can be done anywhere and at any time. We recommend spending time at least once a day with one of the prayers, saying it, thinking about it and making it true in your own mind and heart.

— The loving Practitioners of CSL Bellingham 

The Adventure Begins!

All of Life is a perfect expression of The Divine! I surrender to Spirit’s flow, awake and aware of new doors and opportunities – new ways to express. I eagerly follow Spirit’s lead. One with All, I meet the adventures of each day with joy and a heart overflowing in love. I say “yes!” with each step and every breath. My intentional choices create a deeper experience of the Sacred in every moment. With each “yes!” I also say “thank you!” for all the beauty that surrounds and embraces me. I am grateful for each new opportunity and celebrate the adventure. And so it is!

– Ace Szymanski, RScP; jmpnmse5114@mac.com

The Namasté Principle

I know that I am so blessed, so very, very blessed in this moment to know that I am the full expression of the Divine – the Divine that is Light, the Divine that is Love, the Divine that is Beauty and the Divine that is Peace. I know that in this place of Truth, where there are no opposites and nothing can or must be added to me or you, my thinking is clear. My questions have answers. I know what I need to know. There is a wonderful, peaceful Presence within me, and I live each day from and as that peaceful Presence. I know that each one of us is an individualized expression of the Infinite One that is Omnipresence and I honor this Omnipresence in myself and I honor It in all of you. As we go about our day sharing this Light, Love and Beauty with all who come into our awareness, we know that we are ready to live a life that is full of all that we want and more. We know that we are all supported by the Divine Presence within us, a Presence that has always been with us since our birth. Today we say yes to this Love, Light andBeauty that is gifted to us each and every moment of every day. We see that Love of the Divine everywhere we go, and we see it in all things. We are so grateful to know and live this Truth. Namasté.

– Terrie Dupuis, RScP; terrieron39@gmail.com


In this season of birth and rebirth, every view of the world reminds me to look within. There is only one Life expressing, creating a growing edge in me, through me and as me. It is never stagnant. Being one with this Life, I am free to transform from one perfection into another. This is the natural order for my life. I remain present in every moment. I realize that “becoming” is not a place I arrive but who I am in Spirit. I am a pioneer of my dreams, empowered to say YES to my unique and unfolding path. I trust and know in my becoming and love the journey. With a grateful heart and an expectation of great good, I release this word knowing it is done! And so it is.

– Kit Zinn, RScP; spar21row@gmail.com

Change Is Good, Right?

Fully present, fully grounded, I allow my fierce and powerful spiritual warrior self to rise up and fill me and move in me. This power and this energy is the living Spirit of the Divine. It is in me, acting as me. I stand tall in this presence, recognizing my wholeness and my strength and my connection to all people and all of life. I embrace the movement and the transformation and the inspiration in me that is God-in-action. I recognize that change happens; there is a natural ebb and flow; there is a time when the old must go to allow space for the new. I allow. Knowing that I am always fully supported and guided by the living Presence of Spirit, I relax and I open to the flow.

The patience and the strength and the ease of motion that is always available is mine now. I release the temptation to stay in old patterns, no matter how familiar or how comforting they may appear. The higher power of Spirit fills me and calls to me. I am awake. The vast cosmic Intelligence that is God is flowing through and in my life and in me now. There is no need to trouble myself with attempting to control the process, for Universal Mind knows no limitations, is always creating and evolving and has definitely got it covered!

Knowing this fills me with a deep gratitude and a wonderful feeling of freedom and joy. All is well. I integrate the shifting and transforming into my greater being, stepping more fully into my own greater wisdom. I let go and let God.And so it is.

– Heidi Ruth Dittrich, RScP; heidiruthrigg@gmail.com

The Golden Vein

In the month of May, how we love it. Everything returning to abundance and show. Flowers, grasses, colors, scents. It is the thrust of return and regrowth. We are one with the One in this life. There is a pattern for health, productivity, restoration and beauty. It moves through us, and it reminds us, all around us.

The drive is toward more. Creativity, if you will. Let us listen to the quiet, productive urges toward something new, better, fun or gorgeous. How outlandish? No, just the Divine doing what it does: making more of Itself, by way of us. You are an important grain of the Us.

We are supported this minute, now, in the expansion of our community by way of our inspirations. We take action on that which quietly and radiantly occurs to us. We hear and honor the thought, begin the action.

We are supported in remarkable ways.  This is how It works. And we know it, and release it as done.

Lucky us, to know the steps. Lucky world to see more fun, help and beauty.

Thank you, Good Order, for bringing it so quickly forward. We live and move
and have our being in kind and powerful You. And so it IS.

– Jacqui MacConnell, RScP Emeritus; jacimac@mac.com

Intentional Integrity

In All that is, there is only the One; One Divine Intelligence, One God, One Spirit, One Higher Power – the One that is known by many, many names. There is no place where the One is not, and there is no place where the One is less than Whole, Complete and Perfect. 

I connect in consciousness to the One, knowing that I am the attributes of Love, Peace, Power, Beauty, Life, Light and Joy, as are you. The One is in everything and everybody to precisely the same degree.

Today I align my thoughts and my actions with this Wholeness that lacks no essential quality. I center in the integrity of the Principles and Universal Laws which are only Good. This Oneness back of all things is only harmony and love. There is no room for fear, doubt, calamity or despair in Spirit. They can only come from my misguided thinking.

Today I release these thoughts that do not serve me or the world, and reset my internal guidance system to recalculate to Spirit, the One.

Consciously, I allow this gradual unfoldment of my inner self to be in integrity with the One.

As I place these thoughts into the Creative Medium with Gratitude, I know they are manifest as I realize the One in my life.  And So It Is.

– Joanne Allison, RScP; ja1448@comcast.net

Arrows of Truth

There is only one Infinite Intelligence through which all things are created. It is the essence of life and love, joy and peace. It is the divine nature of all beings, and we are created of it. As a child of Intelligence, I carry this essence at my very core. Life and love, joy and peace are mine. My natural state is harmony and balance. I know that this is the truth of my being. Every thought that I think reflects Divine Intelligence. I spread love and joy with every action. I live a life of truth. I know the truth of myself, and what is true for me is true for every being created through the Intelligence of life. I see the divine truth reflected in the eyes of all whom I meet, and I reflect their truth back to them. Through this truth I embrace the birthright offered by Infinite Intelligence. Through this truth the world expands, blossoming with love and joy. I am thankful for the life that I have been given and the joy that I share. I am thankful for the truth that resonates in my being. I release these words into the Law, knowing that they are so. And so it is.

– Katherine Wingerter, RScP; kmwingerter@icloud.com

Compassion & Kindness

The Infinite One, the Grand Divine Presence that operates in, around and through all of us is all there is. From the beginning of time to the end of time, from the center of it all to the circumference of it all, there is only One – One omnipotent, omniscient, everywhere present Being that says “YES” to all of our creations. As I look at others, I see their Divinity, their Wonder, their Infinite Soul and feel compassion and love for them and their courageous circumstances. Kindness naturally and effortlessly arises within my heart, and I offer my Love and appreciation for their very Essence, knowing that they are an Awesome Gift to our planet and to our lives. Filled with gratitude and appreciation, I release these words, knowing that this is so. And so it is! Amen.

– Kalish Leviel, RScP; rebmindl@gmail.com

Yes to Life

There is only One – One Source, One Life, One Light, One beautiful creative Life Force that is everywhere present. It is the Life flow in all the waters, all the animals, all the mammals. It is the Life flow in the Earth herself, in the galaxy and in all the cosmos. And this same Life energy is in me. It is in every cell of my body. It is in the air I breathe and the water I drink. It is all around me and throughout me. The Life force is flowing through me right now. And as this vast and ever-present Life moves in my life, I simply  allow it to be. I step aside and allow Life to give me its gift. I freely accept this gift as my own. I am open to the creative process that is unfolding as my Life, and I know how to hear Spirit. I know how to open myself to greater flow, greater ideas; and I say YES to these ideas and to the flow of Life – the Life that is my life. I am grateful for this Life, I am grateful for YES, and I am grateful for knowing the deep connection with Creation is innate; it is effortless, it is naturally who I am. And for this I give thanks. Knowing I am Creative Expression, I say YES and open my arms wide and shout I am willing to live my Life! I let it go, I let God. And so it is.

– Vickie Seward, RScP; vickie.s6313@yahoo.com

Yes to Love

I know there is One Divine Source. It is Creative with all my thoughts.  As I have more thoughts, they gather together and form a creation in Source.  This form is from the pure essence of who I am. My creativity is expressed. I experience the Joy, Beauty and Love in the Divine expression of Creativity.  I am It, and It is Me.

I apply this knowing to what I want in my life.  What I want shows up. All is good and very good in my world. I am so Blessed and Grateful for this Divine Creativity. I freely let it go and know the manifestation is done in Divine Mind, therefore in my world.  And so it is. 

– Shila Moa, RScP: shilamoa@gmail.com

Yes to Abundance!

Spirit is constantly creating.  From Divine idea to Divine expression, every moment is brimming with the abundance of Spirit.  This creative force flows through me now, filling my whole being. I am open to receive. The boundaries I had placed on myself now disintegrate. The limits I had believed in have no place in the Truth. Any sense of lack is refuted in the powerful flow of Divine abundance within me.

Knowing the truth of Spirit and the truth of myself as Divine creation, I say “Yes!” to this abundance! I claim all this is my good. I accept every blessing in my path, and I open ever wider as a channel of the Divine flow.

My heart is full of appreciation. My soul sings in gratitude. From this place of deep thanksgiving, I give from my abundance, offering myself into the flow of Spirit, and releasing this prayer into the Divine unfolding. And so it is!

– Rev. Erin Marie Szymanski; inlumendei@icloud.com

My Year of Yes

There is one source of Good in the Universe from which all Life flows. The Divine is a creative source that constantly manifests in Perfection and says “yes” to Life, Love, Beauty, Peace, Power, Light and Joy.

As I know this is what Spirit is, I know my oneness with that Spirit. I am Goodness, Love, Beauty and Perfection; It is me, and I am It. We are One.

I know that the Truth of my life is that my life is made up of my “yeses” and that the creativity of Spirit is reflected in me and is dancing in my heart right now. All the infinite ways of creating, revealing, discovering, giving and receiving my Good are available to me right now.  I open to these possibilities revealing themselves to me. I move into awareness that every moment is a “yes,” and every moment offers a new opportunity to ask, “What will I say ‘yes’ to now?”  I say “yes” to Peace, to Beauty, to Life, to Love, to Abundance, and to Joy. I stand grounded in the strength and power of the Divine, clear in vision of the Good I have to give and the Good I open to receive.  I say “yes” to that which honors my highest and best Good, and lets in the Light.

Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for my Good Life, given to me freely and lovingly. I am so grateful that every year, every day, every moment offers itself as a creative possibility for lifting higher. The moment of “yes” offers itself now. And so it is.

– Ronna Biggs, RScP; ronnabiggs@hotmail.com

If you would like a personal prayer targeted specifically on the issue you are working with, contact one of our licensed Practitioners for a 45-minute prayer session.

You can find them online at: csl-bellingham.org/our-practitioners